Categories: 목업

Art Deco Vintage Elements 활용하세요.

40 different objects: 10 badges, 10 landscape label, 10 portrait label, and 10 monogram frames. 되어 있습니다.
저작권 관련 내용은 파일을 참고해 주세요.
파일 포맷은 AI, EPS, PDF, PNG, SVG입니다.
The century has passed already but this style only shines brighter! Decorate your works with the golden vintage elements, which preserved the spirit of the past to obtain the new modern forms.<br><br> The beautiful line compositions, inspired by modern minimalism and art deco movement that is brought back by many artists nowadays. The classic and exclusive art style of the 1920s can be met in architecture, clothing and of course graphic design. So here are the vintage elements embracing this style too! It contains <strong>40 different objects</strong>: 10 badges, 10 landscape label, 10 portrait label, and 10 monogram frames. There are so many ways you can use them! Logo designs, invitations, posters, packaging. Let art deco be all the rage again!



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