Categories: UI/UX

프로젝트에서 개발자 문서를 만들 때 사용하는 요소 236 종류 활용하세요.

개인과 상업적 가능하다고 명시되어 있기는 하지만 사이트에서 다시 한번 체크하시고 사용하세요.
프로젝트를 구상하거나, 공부할 때 살펴보시면 도움이 많이 됩니다.

포함된 내용은 아래와 같습니다.
Arrows – 26 types with 5 colors
Spacing and Dimension (Horizontal and Vertical marks)
Notes – Stickers, Labels, Dialogs, and Comments
Cursors – to show interactions
Light and Dark mode
Fully customizable elements
Predefined text styles
Examples of use

파일 포맷은 Sketch, Figma입니다.

Measure. Note. Comment. Create documentation for the team and devs thanks to 236 pixel-perfect symbols. How to use it? It’s easy! Just drag & drop element, scale or rotate it and get professional UX/UI specification directly in your design files. The whole document was created with attention to every detail. Features: Arrows – 26 types with 5 colors, Spacing and Dimension (Horizontal and Vertical marks), Notes – Stickers, Labels, Dialogs, and Comments, Cursors – to show interactions, Light and Dark mode, Fully customizable elements, Pixel-perfect, Predefined text styles, Examples of use. License: You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material. for any purpose, even commercially. Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit (UXUI Doc Kit by, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do. so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor. endorses you or your use. Authors.



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