Categories: 디자인 툴

디자이너를 위한 새로운 흥미로운 도구들 참고하세요.

You’re sure to find some tools and resources that will help you save time as we enter what is often one of the most hectic seasons of the year. Here’s what’s new for designers this month. Screen Size Map Screen Size Map is a tool to showcase popular screen sizes and will even auto-detect yours. Map sizes by device type, usage, size, and popularity. This can really come in handy when thinking about viewports or breakpoints in design projects. You might also be surprised to see what screen sizes are the most (or least) popular. Lordicon Lordicon is a collection of free and premium animated icons in GIF and JSON formats. Each icon has a fun line style and can be customized to match your color palette. You can also adjust size, stroke width, and animation player type ? automatic, hover, click, or morph. Every icon is scalable and compatible with all major browsers. This is a fun animated icon kit for projects built on the Lottie engine. Free Bootstrap Templates and Themes Free Bootstrap



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