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Procreate 위한 무료 Texture Brushes 다운로드하세요.

귀여운 텍스트 브러시 이용해서 다양한 제품 디자인에 활용해보세요.
저작권 관련 내용은 다운로드 파일에 있습니다.
포맷은 brushset입니다.
Watercolor, pencil, sandpaper, spray noise ? all these amusing textures and somewhat essential for any illustrator are captured in one kit of texture brushes for Procreate. Why don’t you try it?<br><br> This set was prepared to fit the needs of any graphic illustrator! This small but very handy package consists of <strong>12 super helpful brushes</strong> for Procreate to make fabulous illustrations with tangible texture. Don’t believe us? Check out this <a href=”” target=”_blank”>this cute video demonstration</a>. Children’s book illustration, character design, magical landscapes, cute and stylish illustrations ? they will cope with any type of work! Breathe life into your artworks and let them speak to the hearts of the audience.